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Progression of History
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Progression of Geography
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Class Pages 2024-2025
Class Robin - Nursery
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Spring 1
Autumn 1
Making bird boxes
Outdoor play
Finding yellow objects in maths
Autumn 2
Class Owl - Reception
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Class Owl worked hard to make Chicken Pie!
Class Owl -We made a car garage
Class Owl performed the Sleeping Princess together
Class Owl made shapes in PE.
Class Owl in provision
Class Owl danced to a Teddy Bear's Picnic
Class Owl did their first PE lesson today. Well done!
Class Owl are wonderful at Phonics
Painting self portraits
Painting portraits 2
Class Owl making their Christmas Cards
Learning All About Me
Body percussion and building a Gruffalo and mouse house
Provision and Maths
A fab start - learning in provision and school dinners
Class Starling - Year 1
Art - Using tissue paper to create an abstract background
Experimenting with pumpkins (fine motor skills)
Art - Using a continuous line to sketch a pumpkin and then adding different marks to show texture
Our Visit to Worsbrough Mill
Art - Using a continuous line to draw a pumpkin
Maths - 5 and a bit on tens frames
Art - Using 2D shapes
Science - Using different materials to create a face
RE - Using freeze frames to re-enact the story of the Prodigal Son
Geography - Locating where Starlings live
Art - Experimenting with different types of lines
Music - Using the drum pad
Class Wren - Year 2
Music -using percussion instruments to make animal sounds
Florence Nightingale workshop
Balance work in PE
PSHE work
Odd Sock Day
Music -using percussion instruments to make animal sounds
Computing - digital 5 a day
Understanding different food groups in DT
Practical maths
Music - playing glockenspiels
Class Kingfisher - Year 3
Class Nightingale - Year 4
Trip to Austerfield Study Centre
DT - Designing packaging for biscuits
DT - Baking biscuits
History - creating a storyboard of the War of the Roses
English - looking at the meaning of nonsense words in Jabberwocky poem
Class Kestrel - Year 5
Visit to Austerfield study centre
Geography- Locating the continents, oceans and Uganda
English- Is there life elsewhere
Finding tenths
Enid Blyton Research
Design a teddy with inputs and outputs
Class Eagle - Year 6
English- Up-levelling emotive words in sentences
PE- Using apparatus in balances
Computing - understanding variables in games
History- Finding out about countries involved in World War Two
DT- Making mini tacos for our starter for Come Dine With Me
Music- composing and performing music
Visit to Austerfield Study Centre
Maths- Using cuisennaire rods to find missing parts of an equation
Maths- using cuisennair rods to understand equations
Computing- learning about data packets
VIPERS-Finding out about Michael Morpurgo
Computing- Learning about IP addresses online
Class Pages 2023-2024
Nursery - Clownfish
Summer 2
Summer 1
Spring 2
Spring 1
Autumn 2
Autumn 1
Matching baby animals with their adult forms
Cutting out 2D shapes to make tractors
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Art Week - Red
Maths - counting 5 from a larger group of objects
Music - Repeating patterns
Making Chinese Dragon puppets
Tasting Chinese food
The Three Little Pigs
The Gingerbread Man
Computing - Following instructions to build a snowman
Music - Moving like Polar Bears and Penguins to the North and South Pole song
Topic display board - Celebrations
Christmas party week
Funky fingers paper garlands
Christmas colouring activity
Christmas in Nursery
Baking Birthday Buns
Anti-bullying Week display and New Role Play Area
Rangoli Patterns for Diwali
Odd Socks
Bonfire Night related activities
Leaf man pictures
Reception - Whale
Summer 2
Summer 1
Spring 2
Spring 1
Autumn 2
Autumn 1
EYFS learning about wearing seat belts in the car
Class Whale weighed and measured to make sure we had the right car seats
Class Whale making Pizza Bagels for Tasty Tuesday
Class Whale learning about road safety on Beep Beep Day with Nursery
Class Whale learning about road safety on Beep Beep Day
Class Whale holding hands to cross the street
Class Whale enjoying a healthy lunch
Class Whale chalk artists
Class Whale are excellent at Ball Skills
Class Whale made pirate telescopes.
Class Whale made delicious Gruffalo Crumble
Class Whale linked symbols to the speed of a song.
Class Whale learning ball skills in PE
Class Whale swayed to the beat of a piece of music.
Class Whale painted the Gruffalo.
Class Whale busy in Provision
Class Whale jumping on and off the Big Apparatus
Class Whale had a visit from South Yorkshire Police!
Class Whale munching on a healthy lunch!
Class Whale enjoyed a World Book Day Treasure Hunt
Class Whale as superheroes!
Class Whale tapping to the beat in music.
Class Whale made Trifle for Tasty Tuesday.
Class Whale made super hero shields!
Class Whale singing with Makaton
Class Whale making role play masks
Class Whale are learning how to mix paint!
Class Whale were busy dancing and celebrating YELLOW for Art Week.
Class Whale made duck hats for Art Week.
Class Whale made busy bees for Art Week.
Class Whale have created our own Pride of Lions for Art Week.
Class Whale explored the tastes and properties of different yellow fruits for Art Week.
Class Whale make sunshines for Art Week.
Class Whale using the large aparatus in PE
Provision - making Chinese lanterns
Class Whale enjoying a busy day of learning.
Blue Morpho Butterfly paintings
Class Whale making shapes on a low bench in PE
Class Whale had a busy day of learning
Music - Retelling the Sleeping Princess story
Following instructions to draw a penguin
Class Whale in 1st PE Lesson
Class Whale Chicken Pie Day
Class Whale making delicious scones
Class Whale learning in provision
Year 1 - Shark
DT - Using tools (ruler and saw) to begin creating a moving vehicle
Computing - Programming - forwards and backwards (predicting outcomes)
PE - Gymnastics - shapes and balances
Maths - Making repeating patterns with pattern blocks
DT - Exploring axles and wheels (how they work)
Maths - Creating larger shapes using smaller ones in different ways
Computing - Using beebots to explore different buttons and commands
Art - Creating plates in the style of Clarice Cliff using concentric circles
Maths - Using tens and ones to partition and experiment with numbers
Mastering number - Exploring how amounts to 5 can be represented visually and discussing 1 more than
Maths - Exploring and investigating numbers on a hundred square
Science - Creating faces from different types of materials
Maths - More than and less than game. The children had to compare the red and blue counters
Art - Using different shapes and media to create an abstract piece of art work
Art - Experimenting and exploring different types of lines to create an abstract under water background
History - Comparing modern day shark teeth to a Megalodon's tooth
Computing - Using the fill and undo tool to create abstract art
Art - Experimenting with different types of lines
Music - Using the boomwhackers to play 'twinkle twinkle little star'
Reading - Meeting our reading sharks
Year 2 - Starfish
Road safety
Exploring atlases in Geography
Clay work in Art
World Book Day!
Imagination gaming
Practical work in Maths
Sharing books
Mastering number making near doubles
RE - writing facts about the Torah
RE - Acting out the story of Noah's Ark
Observational drawing in Art
Subtraction work in Maths
Sharing books
Mastering number
Exploring atlases in Geography
Using rekenreks
Addition work in maths
Football skills in PE
Sharing books with another class
Story map work in English
Mastering number using tens frames
Enjoying reading books
Maths - multiples of 10 counting
Year 3 - Jellyfish
Sharing books
Art Display
Sharing books about the Stone Age & Rocks
English - imagining what characters might say
Computing - programming a sprite
Art - drawing like an artist
Music - listening to music and drawing what we imagine
Music - creating our own soundscapes
Maths - adding multiples of 10 to a 3-digit number
English - identifying newspaper features
Art - cave painting
Art - creating our own paint using natural products
Maths - using dienes to add multiples of 10
Geography - using an atlas to find capital cities in Europe
Art - colour mixing & prehistoric art
Computing - designing our own digital device
English - organising rhyming couplets
PE - Hockey skills - ball control
Science - investigating reflective materials
Underwater experience with Discover VR
Year 4 - Turtle
Using counters to create arrays in maths
Using an atlas to find where Sheffield is on a map in Geography
Performing vocal and percussion ostinatos in music
Making a slingshot car in DT
Creating clay dragon eyes for art week
Recoding audio using Audacity in computing
Paired shape sequences in PE
Using cuisenaire to partition 1000 into equal parts
Interviewing for a job on Ernest Shackleton's ship in English
Imagination Gaming morning
Using place value counters and place value charts to understand four digit numbers in maths
Wire sculptures in art
Sequencing the key events from the story Frindleswylde in English
Creating soap sculptures in art
Hockey Skills in PE
Underwater Virtual Reality Experience
Using dienes to work out addition and subtraction
Year 5 - Seahorse
Police Visit
Geography Poster
Book Day
Art Week
Maths- Division with remainders
Art- Printing a section of our house
Maths- Division with remainders
Art- Printing a section of our house
Maths- Partitioning when multiplying
Dance- Starting our new topic in PE
Art- A space inspired piece of art
History- Telling the story of Boudica
Science- Creating the moon phases out of oreos
Science- Create a sundial
Imagination Gaming
Computing- Design a class website
Following oral instructions in English
Human and physical features of Uganda
Finding ones, tenths and hundredths
Completed pop up books
VR Experience
Compose a piece of music
DT - Design a pop up book
Ramp Up session
Science -Theories of flat earth vs spherical earth
Year 6 - Octopus
Topic- Using an atlas to find out the location of mountains
Computing- Coding changing variables
Sharing stories
DT- designing and making playgrounds
Computing-understanding variables and changing variables in games
Art- Creating photographic self-portraits
Art week display
Reading with Year 2
Ledston Estate outdoor trip
Computing -Designing a webpage
Crucial Crew
Maths- using tens frames for number to ten million
Science investigation- comparing our pulse rates after exercise
Computing- Using Scratch to work collaboratively
Computing- ways in which we can communicate
Art- Macro photography
Maths- using tens frames to understand 10,000 and 100,000
Computing- working together to research
Art- Creating a photomontage
Computing- working together to create a fact file of information
English-researching monumnets and their features
DT- The dessert for come dine with me
Art- preparing Christmas cards
Topic- locating countries that were allies and axis in WW2
PE- practising passing and defending in netball
DT- making our main of beef sliders for come dine with me
Computing- Sending messages using data packets
DT- Cooking a starter for our Come Dine With Me project
DT- researching recipes ideas for a starter, main and dessert
Topic-Writing and recording radio broadcast about the declaration of the war
Online Safety
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Parent's section
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Class Whale busy in Provision
Class Pages 2023-2024
Reception - Whale
Class Whale busy in Provision
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