Uniform Information
It is now easier for parents to order uniform direct through the new Vortex website.
Please visit the website for any updates on delivery options.
If you wish to do this please use the link below
School uniform consists of
Royal blue cardigans or sweatshirts
Black shoes
White or grey socks (when worn with shorts, skirts, dresses or pinafores)
Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores
White, pale blue or royal blue polo shirts or shirts/blouses
Blue and white checked summer dress
For indoor PE
Black shorts
Plain White t-shirt (polo or round necked)
No footwear is necessary
For dance PE kit plus black pumps are needed
For outdoor PE – cold months
Track suit of any kind/colour or joggers and a zipped top
Please make sure that all uniform etc. is clearly labelled with your child’s name, this makes it easier when we are returning items which have been left around school.
We do also encourage parents to purchase a blue book bag or provide a similar one, these are very useful when sending letters and children’s work home.